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Full Time / 3 Years / Seattle

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The Doctor of Physical Therapy program at the University of Washington offers an exceptional, well-rounded education for students who want to graduate as physical therapy generalists.

At the UW, you’ll study in one of the top departments for rehabilitation services in the United States. Our DPT program is offered by the Division of Physical Therapy in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, the fourth leading department for rehabilitation care in the United States, according to U.S. News & World Report.

The UW DPT program is accredited by the American Physical Therapy Association’s (APTA) Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education.

Faculty and alumna from the Doctor of Physical Therapy program discuss the curriculum and how the program prepares students for a career in physical therapy.

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Prepare for the national physical therapy licensure exam and a rewarding career in physical therapy. 100% of our grads pass the exam.

Learn About Outcomes

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Explore Academic Experience

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Our faculty are clinicians and researchers who are advancing the field of rehabilitation medicine in areas such as gait biomechanics and technology to treat paralysis.

Meet the Faculty


Diverse Clinical Experiences

We offer access to more than 400 clinical sites for your internships, so you can delve into different physical therapy specialties and settings.

Explore Clinical Education

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